An old post but a good post to reflect on.
Throughout my facebook timeline, Instagram, etc. I've seen this phrase being shared, quoted, tattooed and behind every face of this phrase is a woman who has fought hard to push past societal boundaries, who has heard the word no or the notion of not being welcomed in her promise land.
Then I thought, what does this phrase mean to me? This phrase; "Nevertheless, She persisted " speaks a multitude of volumes to me. I persisted...regardless of my past, I persisted even in my darkest days, and I continue to persist through my academic career for I have things to do goals to accomplish and a community of people who need to be healed.
As a woman of color, our persistence goes even deeper...carrying so much weight. We don't have privilege, so we are in a constant state of being at our best, even when we are in turmoil. We have to work harder because the "bootstraps" we are supposed to pull ourselves up by are not attainable. We work with nothing, and make it out of something. We battle defeat like no other. We cry more times than we smile and even in our success and glory our effort may still go unnoticed, or vaguely appreciated. But yet in still, she....we..persisted nevertheless....
I am a person with a vision, goals, and dreams. A person who chooses to go after it all. In between it all, I fail, I cry, I hurt, I have pain, a deep pain. I have the sleepless nights, the nightmares, the inability to deal with life .....But my drive conquers my beautiful brokenness; my self-awareness always brings me back to who I am behind the shattered pieces. I don't just push past the pain; I deal with it....That's what makes me persistent. Nevertheless...Accepting myself, healing myself and going after my vision and goals despite obstacles.